Cryptcl: Sally Quinn Should Stick to Cocktail Parties and Ballroom Dancing


Had Quinn perhaps skipped a party or two and did her due diligence on her subject she would have learned that not only is Breivikmost emphatically not a Christian, but he’s also an environmental-worshipping socialist — the absolute opposite of what the progressives and the Soros News peddled in the press before the bodies of Norway’s fallen had grown cold.

Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 12:01 am  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: MSM Ignores How Oslo Shooter’s Own Manifesto Completely Destroys “Christian Conservative” Label


Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 11:59 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Report: Soldier Arrested With Bomb Materials Was Following Instructions from Al Qaeda Literature


Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 11:54 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: A week later, Norway mourns 77 victims of massacre


Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 11:41 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Illegal Immigrants: Dressed as Marines in Govt. Vehicle?

In the never ending battle with human and drug smugglers from Mexico comes the most outrageous and scary scenario yet. 13 Illegals were arrested dressed in Marine uniforms and riding in a Govt. van in CA. The perfect cover for smugglers?


Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 6:21 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Jarred Loughner Progressive Zombie From Hell

Progressive accuses conservatives for Jarred Loughner. He was not in any way a conservative. He was a liberal progressive.

He was obsessed with a conspiracy movie called “Zeitgeist”, was an Atheist, Anarchist, Nihilist, liberal, who planned his attack in an orderly manner—bought a Glock 9mm semiautomatic in November, and amunition the morning of the shooting. He wrote notes that suggested complaints against Ms. Giffords over a perceived insult during a 2007 public event. The Suspect is called a very liberal pot-head, who reads Mein Kampf, Communist Manfesto, likes to watch American flag burn YouTube video, is obsessed with mind control, is registered as an independent, didn’t vote in November’s election, is a loner isolated teenager who was not a member of any political or social organization, was known by local Sheriff Dupnik for getting into minor legal scrapes, was a 9/11 Truther, and Iraq, Afghanistan anti-war Geneva Convention violation complainer.

So what exactly makes him a conservative?
Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 5:26 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: The Company They Keep? Jeff “stat rape” Epstein Pedophile Rapist Extraordinaire

Katie Couric, George Stephanopoulos, and Charlie Rose dine and socialize with billionaire Jeff Epstein. Billionaire Jeff Epstein is not your normal convicted sex offender. He is a deviant, pervert, pedophile, sex offender extraordinaire who purchases little girls for sex like I buy chewing gum. He was even found to be traveling the world with a young girl sex slave that he passes around to friends and guests. He was convicted of paying 40 young girls for sex. Apparently he knows the right liberals because he only served 18 months in jail.
Katie, George, and Charlie should be ashamed of themselves for attending a soiree’ at Jeff Epstein’s house. I really suggest background checks before you socialize. Oh wait, maybe they knew who he was already and didn’t give a damn.
Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 5:16 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Left’s Civility? DC GOP Office Windows Shot Out

Shooting the windows out of a DC GOP office is just another example showing where the uncivility and violence really is. The left is being uncivil and violent much more than the right. The reason they are more violent is because they are angrier and frustrated because progressive values(?) are losing to conservative values across the country. GOP and Tea Party are growing, progressive groups and Dems are losing the PR, factual, and supporting evidence war. Many lies by the left are being exposed, and a tremendous amount of credibility has been lost by the Dems. Independents and conservative Dems are moving their support to the Tea Party and/or the GOP. The incompetence, incorrect priorities, and out of touch with working taxpayers, are the fault of Dems and the Obama administration.

full story link:

Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 3:56 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: The Mexican Drug Cartel War

Thanks to the L.A. Times for the list of incidents below. Here is a comprehensive collection of incidents that have occurred so far in the Mexican Drug Cartel War. Thankfully the Arizona and Texas sides of the border have not seen any major impacts yet. There will be some. Even criminals hiding from other Cartel criminals or those who have escaped jail will eventually have an impact on the U.S. side of the border. If they bring their ill-gotten gains, they could easily establish themselves in the U.S. side of the drug problem. It should be noted that President Calderone has 45,000 soldiers and 20,000 police officers involved in the war with the drug cartels. No sense of what if any progress is being made. Mexico is now considered to be the most dangerous country in the world.

Here is the list of incidents:

Here are some useful Mexican Border Statistics:

On a sad note the Mexican Judicial system has a 2% convtction rate. Judges and juries don’t want to convict for fear of their own lives from retaliation by the drug cartels. The drug cartels are getting more and more violent. The drug cartels are also using younger and younger boys and girls to be mules, lookouts, etc. Some Drug Cartel members are emigrating into the U.S. to set up more distribution outlets for their products from Mexico. So far American officials have identified minimal impacts, but its just too tough to know how many Drug Cartel member illegal immigrants are currently in the U.S..  Below are some examples of the extreme violence that is occurring in Mexico. I strongly suggest that Americans stay on this side of the border. There are a lot of kidnappings occurring. Where do you find rich Americans to kidnap? You’ll find them at all the fancy resorts.

Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 3:54 pm  Leave a Comment