Cryptcl: The Insanity Of The Norway Killer

Just thinking about the actions of the Norway killer makes one confused with shock and disbelief. Here is a European adult who is violently opposed, bordering on OCD, to the Islamification of Europe. I agree that Islamification of Europe or the U.S. is not compatible with democracies. Islam is a civil government and a religion. It’s dogma and beliefs directly conflict with the concept of freedoms, liberties, and human rights. There will be tremendous conflict between the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds in the decades to come. During those decades they will still discuss the Norway killer and how his actions make little rational sense.


Published in: on August 6, 2011 at 8:48 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Mexican town’s police force resigns after attack, The Cartel War On Our Southern Border Is Moving North


There has been war between the Mexican/U.S. governments against the Mexican Drug Cartels brought about by the drug and human smuggling across the southern U.S. border. This is a social problem, a criminal problem, an international problem, and a national security problem. The U.S. should using maximum forces and capabilities to seal the border, and start to eliminate illegal or legal Mexican drug cartel members from profiting from this illegal drug trade.

Published in: on August 5, 2011 at 1:40 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: NEW TONE…Top Democrat Indicted For St. Louis BOMBING

The new civility tone on the left?


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 6:19 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Shhh! St. Louis Post Dispatch Doesn’t Want You to Know Suspected Bomber Is a Top Missouri Democrat


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 6:11 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Texas, Illegal Aliens, And The Flotilla

Texas is correct. No more pandering to leftist hand-wringing is required. He is an illegal immigrant that raped and murdered a 16 year old girl. Why does he deserve anymore legal delays of the execution. Nothing discussed with the Mexican consulate can make him innocent of the crime, and there is nothing the Mexican Consulate can do to eliminate the Texas death sentence. So what’s the point of a delay. Execute the laws according to Texas’s judicial system and Texas laws.


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 6:07 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Roger Noriega: Hezbollah in Latin America


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 6:06 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Beware of Dr. Jihad

Doctor and Soldier of Allah


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 6:03 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: At least 40 killed in Mexico in 24-hour period

cartel murders with warnings to others
some of the most wanted drug cartel kingpins

This drug violence is slowly moving north into the U.S. When will our government do something about it?


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 5:46 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: ‘Fast & Furious’ gets hotter for Holder, U.S. Officials Behind ‘Fast and Furious’ Gun Sales Should Be Tried in Mexico, Lawmaker Says, “Fast and Furious” Blows Sky-High




Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 5:12 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Flashback: Have You Heard Ken Gladney’s Story?

Kenneth Gladney beaten for being black Tea Party member,
he was selling Don’t Tread On Me flags


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 4:56 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: BREAKING: NAACP and Union Thugs Intimidate Kenneth Gladney Family Outside Clayton, MO Courthouse …Update: More Than Half Jury Pool Has Union Ties

This trial is going to turn into a  3 ring circus with NAACP, Unions, bias jurors, and the MSM reporting slanted details.

Hang on tight. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Is this going to be another Casey Anthony trial and verdict.

Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 4:42 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: SEIU Men Acquitted of Beating Black Tea Partier

SEIU found not guilty of an attack on videotape. The justice system in America cannot be stacked to exonerate guilty SEIU union thuggery. This is a travesty of justice. Because SEIU was acquitted then MSM will report this story. If found guilty you would never have heard of this story. I told you this would be an unfair tainted jury.


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 4:22 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Durbin Characterizes DREAM Act as ‘Starting Point’ in Amnesty for All Illegal Aliens

just another used car salesman

Democrats pandering to illegal immigrants and Hispanic Americans. What else is new when Dems are making promises they know they can’t keep. After 2012 both houses of Congress and the POTUS will be majority GOP/Tea Party supporters. Amnesty for millions of people who entered our country illegally, increase crime nationwide, 350,000 incarcerated in prisons, more drug dealers, more drug smugglers, more human smugglers, and violent members of Mexico’s drug cartels building influence, connections, and making money in American cities across the nation will not be acceptable. Illegal immigrant criminals are notorious for extortion, harassment, and threats against other more family oriented illegal immigrants. Regardless of their actions they are all criminals who have entered our nation without appropriate personal, character, work skills, health evaluation, employment and education level screening. These illegal immigrants are draining our public services and making our own citizens wait in long lines behind them at the Hospital ER’s. They are abusing America’s charitable public services with anchor babies. The citizenship of the native born was not intended for illegal immigrants to use to get free handouts from the government. It was provided to create citizenship at a child’s birth to parents who are in this country legally.


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 4:07 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Justice for Sale in St. Louis County

Just because the defendants were found not guilty doesn’t mean Kenneth Gladney has lost anything. Gladney has handled the abuse by SEIU members as a mature adult which has exposed the SEIU thuggery for what it is. Just because the “trial” was stacked against him is not his fault. Every American should be proud, thank, and want to emulate Ken Gladney!


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 3:54 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: State programmer identifies template for Obama ‘forgery’, Hawaii detective charges: ‘Birth certificate’ a fraud, An Illegitimate Child, An Illegitimate President: Despite Multiple Attempts, “No Comment” from the White House, New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery

There should be a formal investigation into the possibility of a forgery. Just like Dan Rather, Obama thinks he can get away with anything. A complete analysis of the Birth Certificate’s anomalies, issues, and computer graphical artifacts needs to be presented to the American public. This will become Obama’s Watergate!






Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 3:51 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: 7 dead, 59 escape in Mexico prison fight near US

I’ll bet all 59 of them are heading for the American border right now.


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 2:22 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: San Francisco Considers Legal Protection for Criminals


This post is a very convincing argument affording convicted felons the right to start over. If they can’t get places to live and jobs what are they supposed to do? Go back to crime to earn a living?

The real problem is that there are so many different types of convicted felons. In line with current medical marijuana laws, possession or dealing of drugs is becoming a minor offense. Addiction or substance abuse can be considered minor if the individual is really clean and sober. But who wants their child accidently run over because a ex-convict got drunk and drove again.

Now physical violence against someone, spouse or not, rape, sexual abuse, robbery, use of a weapon in a crime, murder, kidnapping, burglary, arson, pedophilia, and gang membership all must be considered major offenses, and dangerous offenses.

Should a convicted pyramid scheme convict have the right to hide his offense if he is doing business with you? Every citizen has the right to know who’s living next door? Who am I doing business with? Who has access to my children? Who has access to my home?

Now high recidivism rates could be influenced by the convicted felon’s inability to work and live a normal life. Perhaps many are forced into crime again to survive. That’s a Catch 22. If you are a convicted felon you can’t get a normal job, and because you can’t get a normal job you are forced to be a felon. It’s a good point. When is someone allowed forgiveness for their past and allowed to start over. In practice most people want to allow others to be forgiven and start over. That’s the charitable thing to do.

In the end it will come down to the type of crime and the behavior and mental illness status of the individual. It should be based on the danger a person poses to himself/herself and others. In some cases recovery is impossible, in other cases recovery is expected and encouraged. How to handle each individual needs to be defined.

But in all cases our citizens have a right to know who lives next door!

A real life example: I have a friend of a friend whose daughter got talked into sending illegal substances through the mail one time by her boyfriend. She naively admitted it to law enforcement, and got 5 years in a federal prison. She pleaded guilty and is doing her time in a federal prison. She is an intelligent, college educated, non-violent, sincerely sorry for what she did, and would never do anything like that again. It was a one time mistake. When she gets out every job and apartment will ask if she is a convicted felon. To be honest she has to answer yes. Let’s see how impacted her life is going to be because of the label “convicted felon”.

Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 1:52 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Norwegian Terrorist: Just What Was He Thinking?


The MSM is trying to stuff this guy in a right wing hole. Unfortunately I think he was more akin to the unabomber. Both seem to have a cryptic manifesto. A convoluted manifesto stuck somewhere between mental illness paranoia and delusions and the source of his anger, Muslim immigration. Logically he should have attacked Muslims and not Norwegian atheists or Christians. It makes no sense. This guy must have been seriously mentally ill.

Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 1:48 pm  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: Lockerbie Bomber Appears at Pro-Qaddafi Rally


6 Months to live, released from jail for compassion, two years later he attends gatherings in Libya. Doesn’t look dead to me. The British and Scottish law enforcement should be ashamed of themselves. He killed almost 300 innocent people and he walks free as a hero in Libya.

Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 12:23 am  Leave a Comment  

Cryptcl: EXCLUSIVE: AWOL Soldier Arrested Over Concerns of Second Alleged Plot to Attack Fort Hood

Another American soldier of middle eastern descent arrested for possible plan attacking Fort Hood again. Pvt. Nasser Jason Abdo, an AWOL soldier from Fort Campbell, Kentucky,was arrested. He was found with weapons and explosives.


Published in: on August 2, 2011 at 12:10 am  Leave a Comment